
In Waypoint flight mode, the aircraft can automatically complete a preset flight trajectory and shooting actions according to the planned route parameters.


Tutorial Video

Watch the following video to learn how to use Waypoint Flight:


Operation Instructions


Takeoff Preparations

Run the DJI Fly app and connect to the aircraft. Tao Go Fly to enter the aircraft control view. On the left side of the screen, tap the Waypoint Flight icon to start route planning.


Make Waypoints

Routes can be generated after the Waypoints are marked, and the aircraft will fly along the set route.

DJI Air 3S, DJI Mini 4 Pro, DJI Air 3, DJI Mavic 3/ Mavic 3 Cine/Mavic 3 Classic are able to design a flight path by setting points before take-off.

1. After the aircraft takes off, pin waypoints by using the remote controller or operating on the camera view:

Remote control: enter the current Waypoint operation panel, press the remote control Fn button, or the C1 button if you are using DJI RC.

The operation interface: In the Waypoint operation panel, tap the plus sign.

After the Waypoint is marked, the aircraft will record the flight altitude, nose direction, gimbal pitch angle, and other data at this point.

2. Pin waypoints via the map: Enter the map view. On the Waypoint Operation Panel, tap different locations on the map to pin multiple waypoints.

3. Change a waypoint location: Press and hold the specified waypoint icon on the flight map, then drag it to move the waypoint.



1. If waypoints are close to each other and a high speed is configured, the altitude of the actual flight route will be lower than that of the waypoints. Therefore, take care to avoid the obstacles below the route when adding waypoints, or reduce the flight speed.

2. Before a flight, observe the surrounding environment to make sure that the route is not blocked. Be ready to press the Brake button in case of an emergency, and make sure that the aircraft flies within visual range.

3. It is recommended that you pin the waypoints while flying the aircraft. This way, you can view the shooting content more clearly, and the flight route will be smoother and safer.

4. You can also plan waypoints on the map without connecting to the aircraft: Run the DJI Fly app, and tap the flight map to enter the flight map view. Pin target waypoints on the flight map and save the Waypoint settings. After connecting to the aircraft, you can apply the saved waypoints for flight. 


Set a POI

About Points of Interest (POI): If you associate a waypoint with a POI, the aircraft will face the POI while flying.

1. To capture toward a specific point, you can pin and set POIs. You can use the same method to pin a POI as used with a waypoint:

Tap POI to enter the POI Operation Panel. As with waypoints, you can pin POIs using the remote controller, or operating on the camera view or the flight map.

When adding POIs on the flight map, the default altitude of POIs is 50 meters.

2. To change a POI location, press and hold the specified POI icon on the flight map, then drag it to move the POI.


Waypoint Settings

1. On the Waypoint Operation Panel, tap the specified waypoint number to enter the Waypoint settings. Tap the left or right angle brackets (< and >) in the title bar to switch between


2. Waypoint settings include camera movement, altitude, speed, nose orientation, gimbal pitch, zoom mode, and hover time.

Camera Action: You can select Take Photo, Start Recording, or Stop Recording.

Altitude: You can customize the altitude of the aircraft relative to the takeoff point.

Speed: You can set the flight speed of the aircraft to Global Speed or Custom.

When Global Speed is selected, the aircraft will fly at the same speed during the waypoint flight route. When Custom is selected, the aircraft will accelerate or decelerate at a steady speed when flying between waypoints, and the preset speed will be reached when the aircraft is at the waypoint.

Heading: You can select Follow Course, POI, Custom, or Manual.

Custom: Drag the bar to change the orientation angle, and preview the orientation of the corner mark in the map.

Manual: You can manually adjust the heading during flight. In this mode, the orientation of the aircraft nose is under your control.

Gimbal Tilt:

POI: Tap the POI number below to point the camera toward the corresponding POI.

Custom: Drag the slider to customize the pitch angle of the gimbal.

Manual: You can manually adjust the gimbal angle during flight. In this mode, the pitch angle of the gimbal is under your control.

Zoom: You can select Auto, Digital, or Manual.

Digital: Drag the bar to customize the zoom ratio.

Manual: You can manually adjust the zoom ratio during flight.

Hovering Time: Drag the bar to set the hovering time of the aircraft at the current waypoint.

3. To delete the current waypoint, tap the Delete icon in the upper-left corner.

4. In addition to Camera Action, tap Apply to All on the upper right to apply the currently set parameters to all Waypoints.

💡[Tips] You can pin up to 200 waypoints, and the speed can be adjusted from 0.1 m/s to 15.0 m/s, and it is 2.5 m/s by default. The default waypoint altitude is 50 m, the waypoint hovering time can be adjusted from 0s to 30s, and it is 0s by default. 


POI Settings

1. On the POI Operation Panel, tap the number of POI you want to set to carry out settings for an individual POI. Tap the left or right angle brackets (< and >) in the title bar to switch between POIs.

2. In POI Settings, you can set the altitude of and link waypoints to a POI.

In the Link Waypoint Settings, multiple waypoints can be linked to the same POI. 


Route Settings 

1. In the Operation Panel, tap the three dots on the right to enter the route settings.

2. In the Flight Route settings, you can adjust the Global Speed, the behavior of End of Flight, On Signal Lost, and the Start Point. These parameters take effect for all waypoints in the route. End of Flight and On Signal Lost are set to RTH by default.

3. During a Waypoint flight, the waypoints cannot be executed in reverse order. Specifically, if there are four waypoints (1, 2, 3, and 4) and waypoint 4 is selected as the starting waypoint, the Waypoint flight will directly go to the end.

If waypoint 2 is selected as the starting waypoint, the flight will be completed in the order of waypoints 2, 3, and 4.

To ensure smooth shooting, the system automatically plans a curved flight route for DJI Mavic 3.



1. On Signal Lost can be set to RTH, Land, Hover, or Continue, and it is set to RTH by default. End of Flight can be set to RTH, Land, Hover, or Back to Start, and it is set to RTH by default.

2. The entire DJI Mavic 3 Series/DJI Air 3 does not support the import of KML flight routes currently.

3. Resuming a mission at the breakpoint is not supported.

4. Currently, the Waypoint missions of models supporting using with the DJI Fly app can be performed for each other provided that:

The same mobile phone or remote controller with a built-in screen is used. The missions can also be performed between different DJI accounts but cannot be performed if another mobile phone or remote controller with a built-in screen is used.

When a Waypoint mission is performed for another model, some preset parameters may change since different models have different specifications such as flight speed, and gimbal tilt angle.


Performing a Waypoint Flight

Before starting the route, please check the obstacle avoidance settings in the safety settings. When it is set to bypass or brake, the aircraft will perform the braking action when it encounters an obstacle. When it is set to off, the aircraft will not be able to avoid obstacles.

1. Tap GO, and the aircraft will start uploading the Waypoint route.

When uploading the waypoint flight task, you can tap the red button to cancel the uploading process and return to the waypoint flight parameter settings. 

2. After starting the route, the operation interface will display the time, Waypoint, and route distance information.

Note: When performing a waypoint flight, pushing the control stick will cause the current speed of the aircraft to change.

3. Pause and continue a task: After a task starts, you can tap the Pause icon to pause the Waypoint Flight. Tap "X" to stop Waypoint Flight and return to the waypoint flight edit status. If you tap the Continue icon, the aircraft will continue to execute the Waypoint Flight. 

4. If there is a loss of control during the execution of the route, the aircraft will execute the loss of control behavior set in the route settings.

5. After finishing the route, the aircraft will execute the ending action set in the route settings.


Saving Routes

When planning a Waypoint Flight, the system automatically generates a waypoint flight task and saves it every minute.

Tap the list icon on the left side of the Waypoint operation panel to enter the route task list, and manually save the current route.

Save directly: save the current route task.

Save As: Make a copy of the current task and save it.

* The flight route mission is saved in DJI Fly. There is no Transfer or Backup function. If you change to another mobile device, the previous flight route mission cannot be used.


1. There is no limit to the quantity of saved Waypoints flight missions.

2. The Waypoints Mission Library will not be deleted if the app cache is cleared in the app or app manager of the mobile device. However, the Waypoints Mission Library will be deleted if the app data is cleared in the app manager of the mobile device; that is, all the app data is cleared.


Saving a Route

1. Tap to open the route saved in history.

2. Tap the pencil icon to modify the route task name.

3. You can swipe the waypoint flight to the left and tap Delete to delete it.

4. Tap the icon in the upper right corner to change the sorting method of routes.

Time icon: routes will be sorted in the order of save time.

Scale icon: The routes will be sorted by the distance from the current position to the starting Waypoint from shortest to farthest.

💡[Tips] Currently, Waypoints flight missions cannot be exported and uploaded to the server, and can only be called from the DJI Fly app on the mobile device where the missions are saved. 


Turn off the Waypoint Flight Function

Tap the Waypoint flight icon on the left side of the screen to exit the route planning mode.

In the pop-up window prompting whether to exit, if you tap Save and Exit, the current route will be directly saved to the task library.